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Mallard DucklingBarred OwlLeast Tern and ChicksAquarium FishCarolina AnoleFull Moon rising over Masonboro SoundAsian Small-clawed OtterRoseate SpoonbillBlack SkimmerFemale Hooded MergansersHooded Merganser(s)Snowy EgretTulipsAmerican Coot

Guestbook for My favorite Images from 2022
Harris Brown(non-registered)
outstanding set kevin-wonderful variety of subject matter-keep up the great work
Thank You, Kevin, For your wonderful images every month. Your patience in getting the "Right Shot" is impressive and wonderful.

Here's wishing you and James a Happy and Healthy 2023.
I always enjoy your photos. What patience you exhibit to capture these moments! THanks so much for the recap. WIshing you and james all the best in the coming year!
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