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Happy New Year 2018!Red-bellied WoodpeckerSteam Locomotive in New Hope, PABelted KingfisherInternational Space StationGreat Blue HeronHouse FinchJames at Lake GalenaSteam Locomotive in New Hope, PADowny WoodpeckerHouse FinchAmerican KestrelCarolina WrenWhite throated SparrowDowny WoodpeckerGreat Blue HeronBlue Jay and American KestrelOld Train CarsHouse Finch

Guestbook for December 2017
HARRIS J BROWN(non-registered)
another fantastic set Kevin-many favorites but I liked the train in the station the best-well done
Linda Thomas(non-registered)
Just what the doctor ordered. I had to wait to look at these until I got out of the hospital. Urethral cancer involved removing my bladder and reconstructing a new bladder system.. Hopefully all will be good. Thanks for making my day.
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